Thursday, March 15, 2012

Our usual routine at bed time is that I lay out dad's jammies for him and then while he is changing I turn down his bed, get his denture cup ready, and put the clothes he has taken off either in the hamper or back on a hanger (this helps to prevent him getting dressed in the middle of the night). Last night as we were going through the routine, dad was very appreciative of all I was doing for him and after thanking me for taking care of his dentures, he asked me if I'd marry him. I reminded him I was his daughter and that might not be a good idea. Then after we said prayers and he was getting under the covers, he asked me if I was going to sleep in his bed with him. I told him, "No, my bedroom is upstairs." To which he replied, why go all the way upstairs when there's a perfectly good bed here. Then after I reminded him I was his daughter, he said "Oh, then I'm glad you realize that's not a good idea."

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